System Maintenance & Storage


To keep your pure water system running optimally you will want to ensure regular maintenance check are done by the users:

  • Periodically check the TDS meter levels. If the TDS levels are above 30ppm then replacement of the DI filters is required.
  • You should replace your carbon filters regularly. These filters are cheap and replacing them every 1 to 2 months will keep the rest of your system running more efficiently.
  • Check your system when in use to ensure that none of the fittings are leaking and repair any leaks as required.
  • If the system is dropped or dented, open up the system to ensure that the RO or DI filters are not cracked or damaged.



If you will not be using your system for a couple months or you just plan to use it a few times this season, then be sure to follow these tips:

  • Ensure that the system is stored somewhere that it will not freeze. For Long Term or Winter Storage see the next section.
  • Remove the Carbon or Sediment Filters. These low-cost filters need to be replaced every 1 to 2 months and just replace it with a new one during your next use.
  • Keep your DI and RO Filters full of water. If your DI resin is exposed to water, then dries up all the resin will be “dead” and you will need to replace the filter before your next use.
  • Run water through your system every 1 to 2 weeks. If the water in your system is not flushed out the standing water will get stagnant and bacteria will likely form in your DI and RO Filters making their performance deteriorate. Flush the system to keep it clean.



If you are putting your system away for a few months or getting it ready for the winter, then these are the steps for you:

  • Open up all of the water lines and drain valves as equipped to allow all of the water to drain from the unit.
  • Remove the Carbon or Sediment Filters. These low-cost filters need to be replaced every 1 to 2 months and just replace it with a new one at the start of your next use. Drain all of the water our of the filter housing.
  • Remove the DI Filter, leave it full of water, and place it in a zip-lock bag with a wet paper towel. Be sure to storage it somewhere it will not freeze. This will keep the DI resin inside the filter wet and moist. If your DI resin is exposed to water, then dries up all the resin will be “dead” and you will need to replace the filter before your next use. Drain all of the water our of the filter housing.
  • Open up the RO housing and remove the RO Filter. Drain all of the water our of the filter and the housing.
  • Once all of the old water is drained, use a RO Storage Powder (like RO Preserve from Tucker) to protect your RO system from bacteria forming in your filter and destroying it in the off-season. These powders are usually mixed with 1 gallon or pure water and poured directly into the RO Filter housing with the Filter inside. Ensure you follow the instructions with the RO Storage Powder.
  • Follow the steps above if you are storing your system in a place where it will not freeze over the winter. If you have to store the system outdoors or in a place that will freeze then follow all of the above steps but rather than mixing the RO powder with a gallon of water, use a gallon of RV Antifreeze. This will protect your system and prevent freezing and cracking.


IMPORTANT: If your manufacturer’s manual provides any instructions that differ from the suggestions above, follow the instruction provided from the manufacturer for their specific piece of equipment.